Nanny - with strong cooking skills

We have a wonderful family looking for a mature nanny to help the Mother run the household whilst the Father is travelling.

Assisting with two children 3 & 5 years of age.

Able to cook healthy meals, assist with the children before and after school and prepare for dinner and bedtime.

Candidate will ideally have a degree in Early Childhood Education, be proactive, confident, able to work with and without the Mother around.

6 days a week / 10 hours per day with flexibility

Start date: Mid November to Mid January

Live in - own bedroom, bathroom, TV, cable etc

Salary 1000GBP - 1200GBP

Must be an EU citizen as it will be based between Switzerland and the UK.

Contract length: 2 months


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Contact Home Harmony International today to
find your dream job!

NB: Home Harmony International is not responsible for any compensation or public liability cover for any of our candidates.

Please upload any relevant documentation:
eg. CV, Resume, Police Checks, Blue cards, any relevant certificates etc. 8MB File Size limit for Each File. Please note that only PDF, DOC and JPG files are permitted.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have uploaded large files, the form may take a few minutes to submit.

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